<cqbuildrecord> Task
Task to create a new BTBuild record in ClearQuest.

This task allows you to create a build record in ClearQuest for the build under execution. It makes use of the ClearQuest Build and Deployment Tracking packages (available in ClearQuest V7.0). Each of the fields in the BTBuild record can be set via atributes of this task. In addition, an existing record (as long as it is in the Submitted state) can be updated and transitioned to the state Complete or Failure. For more information see the example below. In order for this task to work you will need to make sure that the Rational Team API libraries are in your Java CLASSPATH.

Attribute Description Type Requirement
failonerror Sets whether to fail with a build exception on error, or continue.
Default is false.
boolean Optional
cqusername The name of a user who you will login to ClearQuest as. String Required
cqpassword The password of the user who you will login to ClearQuest as. String Required
cqdataset The data set or schema repository connection name to be used., i.e. 7.0.0. String Required
cquserdb The name of the ClearQuest user database to be used. i.e. SAMPL. String Required
buildid A unique identifier for the build. This attributes is only required if the atrribute cqrecordid is not specified. String Required
weburl The URL of a web page that contains more information on the build. String Optional
cqrelease The name of the release that this build is for. Note this is a reference to a ClearQuest DTRelease record which must therefore exist. String Optional
buildlog A log of activities or tasks executed during the build. String Optional
failed Whether the build failed or not. Used to transition the record to the Complete or Failure state. Default is false. Boolean Optional
cqrecordidproperty The name of the property to put the ClearQuest record id that is created in. String Optional

The following will create a new BTBuild record and store the record in the property recid. It will then change the state of the created record to Failure:

    <project name="test" default="cq-create-record"
xmlns:ca="antlib:net.sourceforge.clearantlib"> <target name="cq-create-record"> <ca:createbuildrecord cqusername="user" cqpassword="password" cqdataset="7.0.0" cquserdb="SAMPL" buildid="MYAPP_1" cqrecordidproperty="recid"/> <echo>Created ClearQuest record ${recid}...</echo> <ca:createbuildrecord cqusername="user" cqpassword="password" cqdataset="7.0.0" cquserdb="SAMPL" cqrecordid="${recid}" failed="true"/> </target> </project>

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